Large: w 7.00” x h 8.00”
The Prophet is a picture of anyone the LORD GOD chooses to use to convey His words at a given time. GOD is able to use anyone, from a donkey to Jesus Christ. Each of us are somewhere in between the two. Hopefully wherever your position is, you are in Christ Jesus and willing to be used in any manner God wants to use you. We in Christ are all vessels for His glory in His body the church. This is why the illustration is a bit vague and mysterious, because on closer examination you just might see your own reflection in the glass in the right light. Prophets, as any of the ministerial gifts, are given to the church for the glory of GOD. We should be just a paler image of our LORD and Savior Jesus Christ. I am glad that at times GOD uses the Prophet and now God uses Jesus Christ and He is in you and you are in Him. Let the words of the LORD be brought forth in the boldness and power of the Holy Spirit to the glory of the living GOD. Listen closely to the Prophet's words, for the Sprit and the Word should both testify that the words are true.